Monday, June 24, 2024

WTF Happen at Second Pride Part 2

 This is an update to the one I did in 2018 when the fallout and down began.  Most people are not as taken in by the actions of one individual who is good at kissing ass and we all know who that is.  I am currently working on a lengthy post about what should happen because it seems Second Life aka Linden Labs does not care, forcing people to make higher donations for a region than required as all donations less expenses are profit.

I was Chair from 2014 to 2015 and yet I got booted from the group by Totsie Nootan no doubt she was told to by Lee McKay because it would make him look worse than he already is.  I was expecting it but not by Tootsie.  So much for community organization when a former chair gets booted for standing their ground.

Maybe it is time for a new Pride organization to take root and shit down Second Pride watch this space for more.

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